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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Book on the Pericope de Adultera

A few interesting names of current researchers in this area appear in the news item on this new book.

Peter Head has quoted Mr. Black as giving the general outline of contents on the new volume, which comes out of the recent conference on the PA:

'Well, the papers have now been assembled in book form. Yours truly and my former assistant and current Th.M. student Jacob Cerone are serving as editors. Here are the contents:
Foreword:  Gail O’Day
Preface: David Alan Black
Introduction: Jacob N. Cerone
Chapter 1: John David Punch: “The Piously Offensive Pericope Adulterae
Chapter 2: Jennifer Knust: ” ‘Taking Away From': Patristic Evidence and the Omission of the Pericope Adulterae from John’s Gospel”
Chapter 3: Tommy Wasserman: “The Strange Case of the Missing Adulteress”
Chapter 4:  Chris Keith: “The Pericope Adulterae: A Theory of Attentive Insertion”
Chapter 5: Maurice Robinson: “The Pericope Adulterae: A Johannine Tapestry with Double Interlock”
Chapter 6: Larry Hurtado: “The Pericope Adulterae: Where from Here?

J. D. Punch has had his work (2010) reviewed by us on the Main Website,
as well as Chris Keith (2008).

2008C. Keith recent survey
2010J.D. Punch more review soon!

We also quoted Gail O'Day a few times in our review of 400 years worth of commentary on these verses, here:
The Best of the Commentators - on Jn 8:1-11

Dr. Maurice Robinson is best known for his textual critical work on the Received and Majority Text found among the many manuscripts spanning nearly a millenium and a  half.

We have happily cited his articles and comments and also reviewed some of his analysis on several of our related sites, such as here:

M. Robinson (2001) Byzantine Text - its priority
M. Robinson (/06) Majority Method - D.Black Interview

Dr. Maurice Robinson on Textual Variants

So we are very interested in reading the new collection of articles, which will reflect modern viewpoints on the passage, and also give a significant slice of opinion and modern criticism of John and the PA. 

The link to C.&C. Clarke's publishing site seems to be a broken link, but we expect that will be rectified soon.