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Friday, February 4, 2022

John 8:1-11 in First Nations Version

An Indigenous translation of John 8:1-11 by Native North Americans for Native North Americans and all English speaking people. 


1 But Creator Sets Free (Jesus) went to Olive mountain to find lodging there. 

2. Early in the morning at sunrise, he returned again to the sacred lodge. All the people began to gather around him so he sat down and once again,began to teach and tell his stories.

     Across the plaza a cloud of dust was rising from a group of people who were walking toward Creator Sets Free(Jesus) as he was teaching. They were forcefully dragging a woman along with them. He could see her tears and look of terror on her face. 

3. It was the scroll keepers and the Separated ones (Pharisees) They brought the woman to the Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and forced her down on the ground in front of him and all the people.

4. "Wisdom Keeper" they said, "we found this woman in the very act of being unfaithful to her husband. 

 5. Drawn for the water (Moses) instructed us in the Law to throw stones at her until she dies. What do you have to say about this?

6. They were putting him to test so they would have a way to accuse him. 

     The crowd was silent and waited to see what he would say, but he said nothing.

He bent over and with his finger wrote something in the dirt. When he did not answer right away, the Separated Ones (Pharisees) became angry and kept questioning him. 

7. Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked up at them and said, "The one who has done no wrong should be the first to throw a stone at her."

8. He then bent over and again began to write in the dirt with his finger. 

9. When they heard his words, they all stood there silently. Then, beginning with the elders, one at a time, they dropped their stones and walked away. Soon, all were gone except for Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and the woman. 

10. He stood up and looked at her. "Honoured woman" he said, "Where are the ones who were accusing you?" Is there no one who finds fault with you? 

11. The woman looked timidly into his eyes and said, "No one, Wisdom-keeper" 

  "Then I also find no fault in you" he said to her. "You may go your way, but take care not to return to this broken path you have been walking" 



 After the woman left, the people began to gather around him again, waiting to hear what he would say.